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PRM(Pedestrian Radiation Monitor) 보행자 방사선 감기시
제조사 / 국 : Atomtex / 벨라루스
검출기 종류 : Scintillation plastic, 1000x100x50mm
측정감도 : Cs137, ≥30000 cps/μSv?h^-1

Detector Scintillation plastic                                         1000х100х50 mm
Registered radiation Gamma radiation Energy range       60 keV ? 3 MeV
Sensitivity to gamma radiation                    241Am          ≥30000 cps/μSv?h-1
                                                              137Cs          ≥30000 cps/μSv?h-1
                                                              60Co            ≥15000 cps/μSv?h-1
Alarm Sound and light
Initialization time                                                         ≤5 min
Power supply options                                                  1) 230 VAC 50 Hz mains
                                                                                 2) Backup rechargeable battery
False alarm rate                                                          ≤1 per 1000 passings
PC interface                                                                RS 485
Protection class                                                          IP54
Mean operating life                                                      ≥15 years
Overall dimensions                                                     1610x450x300 mm
Weight                                                                       70 kg