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개인용 보조선량계
Gamma Activity Monitors 1320
고감도의 wide-range Gamma Activity Monitor
제조사 / 국 : Atomtex / 벨라루스
검출기 종류 : Scintillator, NaI(Tl) Ø63x63 mm
에너지 범위 : 50keV...3MeV
ADC 채널수 : 512

- Smart spectrometric probe

- Internal continuous automatic LED stabilisation of gamma counter energy scale, calibration integrity monitoring and automatic calibration with integrated KCl sample

- Memory function and automatic background subtraction

- "Energy Windows" algorithm is used for instrument spectrum processing

- Recording and storing in memory up to 300 measured spectra

- 20-second radiation control of mushrooms and berries in 10-litre packing box

- PC with dedicated software can be used instead of data processing unit to provide documentation function and for expanding of monitored radionuclides library

- Methodological support of measurements

Detector Scintillator, NaI(Tl) Ø63x63 mm
Volumetric (specific) activity measuring range  
     137Cs 3.7 Bq/l...1000000 Bq/l (Bq/kg)
     40K 50 Bq/l...20000 Bq/l (Bq/kg)
     226Ra 10 Bq/l...10000 Bq/l (Bq/kg)
     232Th 10 Bq/l...10000 Bq/l (Bq/kg)
Intrinsic relative errorof volumetric (specific) activity ±20% max.
measurement with confidence probability P=0.95  
Measured sample density range 0.1 g/cm3...3 g/cm3
Minimum measured volumetric activityof 137Cs 5.7 Bq/l
radionuclide in potable water for Marinelli beaker  
geometry during 1-hour measurement with ±50%  
statistical error (Р=0.95)  
Energy rangeof measured gamma radiation 50 keV...3000 keV
Number of ADC channels 512
Integral nonlinearity ±1% max.
Intrinsic backgroundfor 137Cs window <2 cps
Relative energy resolutionfor 137Cs <8%
Operation mode setup time 10 min
Continuous run time ≥24 h
Measurement instabilityduring continuous service ±3% max.
Working temperature range 0°С...+40°С
Relative humiditywith air temperature ≤30оС without condensation ≤75%
Power supply 230 V (+23 V/-35 V), 50±1 Hz
Power consumption ≤8 VA
Measurement vessels  
     Marinelli beaker 1 litre
     Flat vessel 0.5 litre and 0.1 litre
     Plastic box, 380x280x100 mm 10 litre
Overall dimensions, weight  
     Detection unit ø97x350 mm, 2 kg
     Processing unit 200x106x35 mm, 0.62 kg
     Protection unit ø600x700 mm, 125 kg
     Mains adapter 92x62x52 mm, 1 kg